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Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in India.

AFSPA act mean Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) grants special powers to the Indian Armed Forces in areas classified as “disturbed” due to significant insurgency or internal disturbances.

Right to Information RTI act :Your Comprehensive Guide (Part 1)

Symbolic representation of the Right to Information Act with legal documents and scales of justice.

Explore the essence of the Right to Information (RTI) Act through this symbolic image. The image features legal documents, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in governance. The scales of justice represent the balance achieved through the citizens’ right to access information.

What is Article 371 of Indian Constitution ?

special status under Article 371 of the Indian Constitution.

Article 371 of the Indian Constitution grants special provisions to specific states and regions within India, addressing their unique historical, social, and cultural circumstances. These provisions aim to accommodate diverse needs and protect cultural identities within the constitutional framework.

Indian Labour law : Your Comprehensive Guide (Part 1)

"Indian Labour Law" with factory workers in the background.

The purpose of labour laws is to safeguard employees and guarantee equitable treatment at the workplace, encompassing aspects such as remuneration, security, and perks. These regulations establish a secure ambiance by imposing minimum wage requirements, ensuring factory safety measures are implemented effectively while granting rights like maternal leave entitlements. Abiding by these principles promulgates an impartial work culture encapsulating upright conduct; thereby cultivating conducive surroundings for progressive development.

CAA :Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019

Illustration representing the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) with diverse people and India's flag.

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 is a law in India. It gives quick citizenship to people from certain religions – Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians – from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. But it doesn’t apply to Muslims. The law is meant to help those facing religious persecution in these countries.

Rape: Rape cases in India

Rape cases in India Get all information and help just click

Rape Case Rape is a serious crime, and it can take various forms, depending on the circumstances and the nature of the assault. Here are some common types of rape: Rape Cases Type 1) Acquaintance Rape: : Indian Penal Code (IPC) addresses Acquaintance Rape, also known as date rape, under Section 375 which defines the […]

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