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Introduction of IPC Section 425

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a set of laws that cover different crimes and their punishments. This law covers damaging someone’s property, such as spray painting a wall, slashing a tire, or breaking a window. It also includes actions that make property less valuable or useful, like puncturing an inflatable pool. These kinds of behaviors can have legal consequences under this section of the law.

What is IPC 425 ?

Mischievous and decide to damage someone’s property by spray painting a wall, slashing a tire, or breaking a window. These actions fall under IPC Section 425, also known as mischief. This law covers any act that makes property less valuable or useful, like puncturing someone’s inflatable pool.

Understanding IPC 425
Learn what IPC 425 is and the legal consequences of damaging someone else’s property in India.

Section 425 IPC Overview

IPC Section 425 deals with mischief, which means intentionally damaging someone else’s property. This law covers actions like spray painting walls, slashing tires, breaking windows, or deflating inflatable pools. Any act that reduces the value or usefulness of property falls under this section.

Elements of the Offense

To prove mischief under IPC Section 425:

  • Intentional Act: The damage must be done on purpose, not by accident.
  • Types of Damage: It includes physical damage, altering something, or making it less useful.
  • Resulting Harm: The damage must cause real harm, like reducing property value or making it less usable.

Examples of Mischief

Examples of mischief include:

  • Vandalism: Drawing on walls or defacing property.
  • Destruction: Breaking things like windows or objects.
  • Interference: Blocking driveways or pathways.

Punishment for IPC 425

People guilty of mischief can be:

  • Imprisoned: They may go to jail for up to two years.
  • Fined: They might have to pay money as a penalty.

IPC 425 Punishment

  1. Punishment: If someone is found guilty under IPC Section 425 for committing mischief by damaging or diminishing the value of property, they can face imprisonment for up to two years, which may extend to seven years
  2. Fine: Along with imprisonment, the court can impose a monetary fine as a penalty for the offense under IPC Section 425.
Punishment under IPC 425
Legal consequences of damaging property under IPC 425 in India.

425 IPC bailable or not ?

Under IPC Section 425, the offense is generally considered bailable. This means that if someone is accused of committing mischief under this section, they have the right to seek bail from the court. However, in certain situations like repeat offenses or risk of tampering with evidence, the court may decide that the offense is non-bailable.

Section 425 IPC in short information

Key PointDescription
DefinitionIntentionally causing damage, destruction, alteration, or impairment to someone else’s property, diminishing its value, utility, or aesthetic appeal.
PunishmentVaries depending on the severity of the damage: * Simple Mischief (Up to 1 month in jail, fine, or both) * Mischief Causing Loss or Damage (Up to 3 months in jail, fine, or both) * Mischief by Fire or Explosive Substance (Up to 7 years in jail, fine, or both)
BailableGenerally yes, except for mischief by fire or explosive substance (judge’s discretion).
Section 425 IPC in short information

IPC Section 425 FAQs

What is IPC 425 ?

IPC Section 425 defines the offense of mischief and outlines the actions that constitute this offense. Mischief involves intentionally causing damage, destruction, alteration, or impairment to someone else’s property, which diminishes its value, utility, or aesthetic appeal.

What is IPC 425 Punishment ?

IPC Section 425 Bailable or not ?

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