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Introduction of IPC Section 432

“IPC Section 432 is about making public water dirty on purpose, which is not good for using it normally. This law is meant to keep our water clean and safe for everyone. Breaking this law can lead to going to jail or paying a fine, showing how important it is to protect our water.”

What is IPC 432 ?

IPC Section 432 says that if someone intentionally pollutes or makes dirty the water from a public spring or reservoir, making it unfit for its usual purpose, they can be punished with up to three months in jail, a fine of up to Rs. 500, or both.

Illustration of Public Water Pollution - IPC 432
Illustration depicting the importance of clean water under IPC Section 432

Section 432 IPC Overview

IPC Section 432 says that if someone purposely makes a public spring or reservoir’s water dirty, making it less safe to use, they can be punished. The punishment can be up to three months in jail, a fine of up to Rs. 500, or both.

Key Points Explained:

Protecting Public Water Sources: This law aims to keep public water sources like springs and reservoirs clean and safe for everyone to use.

Intentional Act: The law applies when someone deliberately pollutes or dirties the water on purpose.

Making Water Unusable: The water must become less safe for its usual purposes because of the pollution, making it not suitable for drinking or other regular uses.

Punishment: If someone is found guilty, they can be sent to jail for up to three months, fined up to Rs. 500, or both.

    IPC 432 Punishment

    Imprisonment Duration:ย The punishment for dishonest or fraudulent removal or concealment of property or valuable security under IPC Section 432 can result in imprisonment for up to three months.

    Fine Imposition:ย IPC Section 432 outlines that the fine for the offense of polluting or fouling public water sources can extend to five hundred rupees.

    Illustration of Water Pollution - IPC 432 Punishment
    Illustration depicting the consequences of water pollution under IPC Section 432

      432 IPC bailable or not ?

      Yes, the offense under IPC Section 432 is generally considered a bailable offense. This means that the accused can be released on bail by the court after fulfilling certain conditions and providing surety.

      Section 432 IPC in short information

      DefinitionIPC Section 432 pertains to the offense of voluntarily corrupting or fouling the water of any public spring or reservoir, rendering it less fit for its ordinary use.
      OffenseThe offense involves intentionally polluting or making the water from a public spring or reservoir unfit for its usual purposes.
      PunishmentThe punishment for this offense can include imprisonment for a term up to three months, or a fine up to five hundred rupees, or both.
      BailableIPC Section 432 is generally considered a bailable offense, allowing the accused to seek bail depending on the circumstances and court’s decision.
      Section 432 IPC

      IPC Section 432 FAQs

      What is the purpose of IPC Section 432?ย 

      What constitutes fouling or corrupting water under IPC 432?ย 

      Is negligence punishable under IPC 432?ย 

      No, IPC Section 432 specifically mentions the term “voluntarily,” which implies that negligence or unintentional acts are not covered under this section.

      Can the punishment under IPC 432 be enhanced for repeated offenses?

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