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Introduction of IPC Section 463

IPC Section 463 deals with the offense of forgery. It defines forgery as the act of creating or altering a document with the intention to deceive or cause harm. This section aims to protect individuals and institutions from fraudulent activities involving documents.

What is IPC Section 463 ?

IPC Section 463 defines forgery as making a false document or altering an existing document with the intent to cause damage or deceive someone. It is a punishable offense under the law.

Explanation of IPC Section 463 which deals with forgery, covering its definition and legal implications.
Detailed insights into IPC Section 463, which defines forgery and its legal implications in India.

IPC Section 463 Overview

IPC Section 463 defines forgery as the act of making a false document or altering an existing document with the intent to cause damage or harm to the public or any person, or to support any claim or title, or to commit fraud or that fraud may be committed.

Key Points About IPC Section 463

1. Definition of Forgery

  • Definition: Forgery involves making, altering, or using a false document with the intent to deceive.
  • Example: Creating a fake property deed to claim ownership.

2. Purpose of the Law

  • Objective: To protect individuals and the public from being deceived by false documents.
  • Importance: Ensures trust in legal documents and transactions.
  • Punishment: Imprisonment for up to two years, or a fine, or both.
  • Severity: The punishment reflects the serious nature of forgery as a crime.

4. Bailable or Not

  • Bailable: IPC 463 is generally a bailable offense.
  • Implication: The accused can secure bail and does not need to remain in custody until the trial.

5. Cognizable or Non-Cognizable

  • Nature: It is a non-cognizable offense.
  • Police Authority: Police cannot arrest without a warrant.

6. Compoundable or Not

  • Compoundable: Forgery under IPC 463 can be compounded with the permission of the court.
  • Flexibility: The victim and the accused can reach a settlement.

Section 463 IPC Punishment

  1. Imprisonment:
    • Punishment includes imprisonment for up to 2 years.
  2. Fine:
    • The amount of the fine is determined by the court based on the specifics of the case.
  3. Combination of Imprisonment and Fine:
    • The offender may be subjected to both imprisonment and a fine.
Punishment for Forgery Under IPC Section 463: Legal Consequences and Fines Explained
Understanding the legal punishment for forgery under IPC Section 463, including imprisonment and fines.

463 IPC bailable or non bailable ?

Section 463 is a bailable offense. This means that the accused has the right to be released on bail, subject to the discretion of the police or the court.

Section 463 IPC in short information

DefinitionMaking or altering a document with intent to deceive.
PunishmentImprisonment up to 2 years, or fine, or both.
CompoundableYes, with court permission
Section 463 IPC in short information

IPC 463 FAQs

What is IPC 463?

What is the punishment under IPC 463?

Is IPC 463 a bailable offense?

Yes, IPC 463 is generally considered a bailable offense, meaning the accused can apply for bail.

Is IPC 463 a cognizable offense?

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