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Introduction of IPC 29

IPC Section 29 in the Indian Penal Code explains what a “document” is. It’s important for handling crimes linked to making, changing, or using documents. Understanding this term helps enforce the law properly.

What is IPC Section 29 ?

IPC Section 29 says a “document” is anything with words, numbers, or marks on it, used or meant for recording something. This definition helps understand crimes related to documents.

IPC Sec29: Understanding the Legal Definition of "Document
IPC 29 defines “document,” clarifying its legal meaning and implications under the Indian Penal Code.

IPC Section 29 Overview

IPC Section 29 defines a “document” as any matter expressed or described upon any substance by means of letters, figures, or marks intended to be used or which may be used for the purpose of recording that matter. This definition is significant for determining the nature of various criminal acts involving documents.

Key Points Explained

  1. Definition of Document:
    • A document is any matter expressed or described on any substance using letters, figures, or marks intended for recording information.
    • This broad definition includes written documents, printed materials, electronic records, and more. For example, a handwritten contract, a printed book, or a digital file all qualify as documents under IPC Section 29.
  2. Scope of Application:
    • The term “document” applies to a wide range of materials.
    • The definition covers everything from traditional paper documents to digital records and other mediums used for recording information. For instance, both a paper receipt and an electronic email are considered documents.
  3. Legal Relevance:
    • Understanding what constitutes a document is essential for various legal proceedings.
    • This section is used to identify and prosecute crimes involving documents, such as forgery, fraud, and tampering with records. For example, altering a document with the intent to deceive is a criminal act.
  4. Forgery and Fraud:
    • Crimes involving the creation or alteration of documents with fraudulent intentions.
    • IPC Section 29 helps in prosecuting forgery and fraud cases. For instance, if someone forges a signature on a legal document, it falls under this category.
  5. Evidence in Court:
    • Documents play a crucial role as evidence in legal proceedings.
    • Proper understanding of what constitutes a document ensures that evidence is correctly identified and used in court cases. For example, presenting a forged document as evidence is a serious offense.
  6. Technological Adaptation:
    • The definition of a document includes digital and electronic forms.
    • With technological advancements, the legal interpretation of documents has evolved to include digital records, ensuring that electronic crimes are also covered. For instance, hacking into digital records and altering them is treated as tampering with documents.

IPC 29 Punishment

  1. Imprisonment: Offenders under IPC Section 29 may face imprisonment, meaning they can be sent to jail for their actions related to documents.
  2. Fine: In addition to imprisonment, offenders may also be fined, requiring them to pay a certain amount of money as a penalty for their wrongdoing involving documents.

29 IPC bailable or not ?

Whether an offense involving IPC Section 29 is bailable or not depends on the specific offense and the sections of the IPC that describe the offense. Generally, the bailability is determined by the nature of the offense defined by the accompanying sections. For instance, minor forgery might be bailable, while more serious offenses like large-scale fraud might not be.

Section 29 IPC in short information

What is mean ?Details
DefinitionIPC Section 29 defines a “document” as any matter expressed or described on any substance using letters, figures, or marks intended for recording information.
OffenseInvolves crimes related to the creation, alteration, or use of documents.
PunishmentNo specific punishment under IPC Section 29; depends on related sections describing the actual offense.
Bailable or NotDepends on the specific offense and related sections of the IPC.
Section 29 IPC in short information.


What does IPC Section 29 define?

Does IPC Section 29 prescribe any punishments?

Is an offense involving IPC Section 29 bailable?

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