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Introduction of Section 65 BNS

Section 65 BNS deals with the punishment for the crime of rape, particularly focusing on cases involving minors. It outlines severe penalties for offenders, especially when the victim is under a certain age, emphasizing the seriousness of such crimes in the eyes of the law.

What is section 65 of BNS ?

BNS Section 65 is a legal provision under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita that outlines the punishment for individuals convicted of raping minors. This section is particularly focused on protecting girls under the ages of 16 and 12 years by enforcing strict penalties, including lengthy imprisonment terms, fines for victim rehabilitation, and in some cases, the death penalty. It is a non-bailable, non-compoundable offense, reflecting the gravity of the crime.

BNS Section 65 focusing on legal protection against rape for minors."
BNS Section 65 mandates strict punishments for those committing rape against minors, ensuring justice and protection

BNS Section 65(1) in Simple Points

  1. Protection of Minors (16 Years and Below): BNS Section 65(1) is designed to protect minors, specifically those under the age of 16, from sexual violence.
  2. Severe Punishment: If someone is found guilty of raping a girl under 16 years, they face a minimum of 20 years of rigorous imprisonment.
  3. Life Imprisonment Possibility: The punishment can extend to life imprisonment, which means the offender could be imprisoned for the remainder of their natural life.
  4. Fine for Rehabilitation: In addition to imprisonment, the offender is liable to pay a fine. This fine must be reasonable and sufficient to cover the victim’s medical expenses and rehabilitation.
  5. Fine Paid to the Victim: The fine imposed under this section must be directly paid to the victim, ensuring that it aids in her recovery.
  6. Non-Bailable Offense: The offense is non-bailable, meaning the accused cannot be released on bail and will stay in custody until the trial concludes.

BNS Section 65(2) in Simple Points

  1. Protection of Younger Children (12 Years and Below): BNS Section 65(2) focuses on the protection of even younger children, specifically those under 12 years of age.
  2. Harsher Punishment: If someone is convicted of raping a girl under 12 years, they face a minimum of 20 years of rigorous imprisonment.
  3. Possibility of Death Penalty: The punishment can extend to life imprisonment or even the death penalty, depending on the severity of the crime.
  4. Fine Requirement: Just like in Section 65(1), the offender must also pay a fine. This fine is meant to help cover the victim’s medical treatment and rehabilitation.
  5. Fine Paid to the Victim: The fine must be paid directly to the victim to assist in her recovery and rehabilitation process.
  6. Non-Bailable and Non-Compoundable: The offense is non-bailable and non-compoundable, meaning the accused remains in custody and the case cannot be settled out of court.

Section 65 BNS Overview

BNS Section 65 is a legal provision that prescribes stringent punishments for the crime of rape, particularly focusing on cases where the victim is a minor under the age of sixteen or twelve. It mandates rigorous imprisonment, with the possibility of life imprisonment or even the death penalty in certain cases, and includes fines to support the victim’s rehabilitation and medical needs.

Imp Key – Points

  1. Legal Protection for Minors: BNS Section 65 provides stringent legal protection for minors, particularly girls under 16 and 12 years of age, against rape.
  2. Minimum Imprisonment of 20 Years: The section mandates a minimum imprisonment of 20 years for those convicted of raping a minor, underscoring the seriousness of the offense.
  3. Life Imprisonment: For offenders who rape a girl under 16 years, the punishment can extend to life imprisonment, meaning imprisonment for the remainder of the offender’s natural life.
  4. Death Penalty for Severe Cases: In cases where the victim is under 12 years, the law allows for the death penalty, reflecting the extreme gravity of such crimes.
  5. Fines for Rehabilitation: Offenders are required to pay fines that are just and reasonable, aimed at covering the victim’s medical and rehabilitation expenses.
  6. Direct Compensation to Victims: The fines collected from the offender are to be paid directly to the victim, ensuring that the compensation benefits the person who suffered.
  7. Non-Bailable Offense: The offense is non-bailable, ensuring that the accused remains in custody until the trial is concluded, preventing any potential harm to the victim or tampering with evidence.
  8. Cognizable Offense: The crime is cognizable, meaning the police can arrest the accused without a warrant, ensuring prompt action against the perpetrator.
  9. Non-Compoundable Offense: The offense cannot be settled out of court; it must be prosecuted, ensuring that justice is served in a public forum.
  10. Trial by Court of Session: The case is triable by a Court of Session, which handles serious criminal cases, ensuring that the matter is dealt with by a competent judicial body.

BNS 65 Punishment

Imprisonment: The punishment for offenders includes rigorous imprisonment for a minimum of 20 years, which can extend to life imprisonment.

Fine: Offenders are also subject to fines, which are intended to support the victim’s medical expenses and rehabilitation.

BNS Section 65, including imprisonment and fines
BNS Section 65 imposes harsh punishments for rape, particularly when the victim is a minor, ensuring justice and protection.

BNS 65 bailable or not ?

BNS Section 65 is non-bailable, meaning that the accused cannot be granted bail easily and will generally remain in custody until the trial is over.

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 65

SectionOffensePunishmentCognizable or Non-cognizableBailable or Non-bailableTriable by Court
65(1)Rape of a woman under 16 yearsRigorous imprisonment (min. 20 years to life) + fineCognizableNon-bailableCourt of Session
65(2)Rape of a woman under 12 yearsRigorous imprisonment (min. 20 years to life) or death + fineCognizableNon-bailableCourt of Session
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 65

BNS Section 65 FAQs

What is the minimum punishment under Section 65?

What happens if the victim is under 16 years old?

What is the penalty if the victim is under 12 years old?

The offender could face life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Is the offense under Section 65 bailable?

What is the role of fines in Section 65?

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