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Introduction of BNS 68

BNS 68 is a legal provision that targets the misuse of authority to engage in non-consensual sexual acts. This section specifically applies to individuals in positions of power, such as public servants, superintendents of institutions, or those managing hospitals, who abuse their authority to induce or seduce women into sexual acts that do not amount to rape. The law aims to protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation by those who hold power over them.

What is section 68 of BNS ?

BNS 68 criminalizes the abuse of authority by individuals in power to engage in non-consensual sexual intercourse with women under their care or influence. The section mandates rigorous imprisonment of five to ten years and includes fines as a penalty for such acts. It ensures that those in positions of power cannot exploit their authority for sexual gain.

BNS 68 for individuals in authority who misuse their power for non-consensual sexual acts
BNS 68 enforces strict penalties for individuals in positions of authority who engage in non-consensual sexual acts by abusing their power

BNS Section 68 in Simple Points

Abuse of Authority: The law targets individuals who misuse their power or position to engage in sexual acts with women under their care or influence.

Applicability: It applies to public servants, superintendents, hospital staff, and others in positions of authority.

Punishment: Offenders face rigorous imprisonment for a minimum of five years, which can extend up to ten years.

Fines: In addition to imprisonment, the offender is also liable to pay a fine.

Protection of Vulnerable Individuals: The section is designed to protect women from being exploited by those in positions of power.

Section 68 BNS Overview

BNS Section 68 deals with the misuse of authority by individuals in power who exploit their positions to engage in non-consensual sexual acts with women under their care or influence. This section aims to protect women from being taken advantage of by those in positions of trust, such as public servants, hospital staff, or superintendents of institutions.

BNS 68: 10 Key Points Explained

  1. Scope of the Law: BNS Section 68 applies to individuals in positions of authority, including public servants, hospital staff, jail superintendents, and managers of women’s or children’s institutions. It specifically addresses cases where these individuals use their authority to induce or seduce women into sexual acts.
  2. Abuse of Authority: The law targets the abuse of power in situations where a person in authority takes advantage of their position to engage in sexual intercourse with a woman under their care or within their jurisdiction. This includes those in fiduciary relationships, where trust is expected.
  3. Non-Consensual Acts: The section applies to sexual acts that do not amount to rape but are still non-consensual. The law recognizes that even if the act does not meet the legal definition of rape, it is still a serious violation if consent is coerced through the abuse of authority.
  4. Punishment – Imprisonment: Offenders found guilty under this section face rigorous imprisonment. The minimum sentence is five years, which may extend up to ten years, depending on the severity of the offense.
  5. Punishment – Fine: In addition to imprisonment, the offender is also liable to pay a fine. This fine is intended to further penalize the misuse of authority and to serve as a deterrent to others.
  6. Explanation of Terms: The section includes detailed explanations of key terms such as “sexual intercourse,” “superintendent,” and “hospital,” ensuring that the law covers a broad range of situations and institutions.
  7. Cognizable Offense: The offense is categorized as cognizable, meaning law enforcement authorities have the power to arrest the accused without a warrant. This classification emphasizes the seriousness of the crime.
  8. Non-Bailable Offense: BNS Section 68 is non-bailable, which means that the accused cannot secure bail as a matter of right. This reflects the gravity of the offense and the potential risk to the victim.
  9. Triable by Court of Session: Cases under this section are triable by a Court of Session. This ensures that the case is handled by a higher court with the appropriate jurisdiction and authority to deal with serious offenses.
  10. Protection of Vulnerable Groups: The primary aim of BNS Section 68 is to protect vulnerable women from being exploited by those in positions of power. It reinforces the principle that no one, regardless of their position, is above the law.

Section 68 BNS Punishment

Imprisonment: The offender is subject to rigorous imprisonment for a term of not less than five years, which may extend to ten years.

Fine: Along with imprisonment, the offender is also liable to pay a fine.

BNS 68, highlighting imprisonment and fines for abusing authority in non-consensual sexual acts.
BNS 68 prescribes rigorous imprisonment and fines for individuals who misuse their authority to coerce women into non-consensual sexual acts.

Section 68 BNS bailable or not ?

BNS Section 68 is non-bailable, meaning the accused cannot be released on bail as a matter of right.

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 68

SectionOffensePunishmentCognizable or Non-cognizableBailable or Non-bailableTriable by Court
68Sexual intercourse by a person in authorityRigorous imprisonment (5 to 10 years) and fineCognizableNon-bailableCourt of Session
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 68

BNS Section 68 FAQs

Who does BNS Section 68 apply to?

It applies to individuals in positions of authority, such as public servants, jail superintendents, and hospital staff.

What is the maximum punishment under this section?

What is the minimum punishment under Section 68?

Is the offense bailable?

Which court handles cases under Section 68?

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