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Introduction of Section 69 BNS

Section 69 BNS addresses the issue of sexual intercourse obtained through deceitful means or false promises, particularly in cases where a person promises marriage or employment without any intention of fulfilling such promises. This section aims to protect women from being misled into sexual relations under false pretenses.

What is section 69 of BNS ?

BNS Section 69 penalizes individuals who use deceit, such as false promises of marriage or employment, to engage in sexual intercourse with a woman. The law recognizes such acts as serious offenses, even if they do not legally constitute rape, and imposes strict penalties.

 legal consequences under BNS 69 for using deceitful means to obtain sexual intercourse
BNS 69 enforces strict penalties for individuals who use deceitful means, such as false promises of marriage, to engage in sexual intercourse.

BNS Section 69 in Simple Points

Deceitful Means: This section applies to cases where a person uses deceitful means, like false promises of marriage or employment, to induce a woman into sexual relations.

Promise of Marriage: It includes situations where a man promises to marry a woman, knowing that he has no intention of doing so, in order to engage in sexual intercourse.

Imprisonment: The section prescribes a punishment of imprisonment, which may extend up to ten years, for those found guilty.

Liable to Fine: In addition to imprisonment, the offender is also liable to pay a fine, further emphasizing the seriousness of the crime.

Non-Rape Offense: This section specifically covers acts that do not legally qualify as rape but are still considered serious violations due to the deceit involved.

Section 69 BNS Overview

BNS Section 69 defines the act of using deceitful means, like false promises of marriage or job opportunities, to engage in sexual intercourse with a woman. Even if this act does not legally count as rape, it is still considered a serious crime, punishable by up to ten years in prison and a fine. This law is designed to protect women from being misled or exploited.

BNS 69 Key-Points

Protection Against Deceit: BNS Section 69 is designed to protect women from being deceived into sexual relationships through false promises.

False Promises: It covers situations where someone falsely promises to marry or provide employment to a woman to have sexual intercourse with her.

Broad Definition of Deceit: The term “deceitful means” is broadly defined to include false promises of employment, promotion, or marriage, even if the person’s identity is concealed.

Punishment by Imprisonment: The section mandates imprisonment for offenders, which can extend up to ten years, depending on the severity of the case.

Monetary Penalty: Along with imprisonment, the offender must also pay a fine as a form of punishment.

Cognizable Offense: The offense is categorized as cognizable, meaning the police can arrest the accused without a warrant.

Non-Bailable Offense: Section 69 is non-bailable, indicating that the accused does not have the automatic right to bail.

Court of Session: Cases under this section are tried in a Court of Session, which handles serious offenses.

Non-Compoundable Offense: The offense is non-compoundable, meaning it cannot be settled out of court by the victim and the accused.

Serious Legal Implications: The law treats any deceitful act leading to sexual intercourse as a serious crime, reinforcing the importance of consent and honesty in relationships.

BNS 69 Punishment

Imprisonment: The law prescribes imprisonment for up to ten years for those found guilty under BNS Section 69.

Fine: In addition to imprisonment, the offender is also liable to pay a fine, further penalizing the misuse of deceit to obtain sexual favors.

BNS 69 on deceitful sexual intercourse punishment.
BNS 69 Punishment for sexual intercourse by deceitful means.

BNS 69 bailable or not ?

BNS Section 69 is a non-bailable offense, meaning the accused cannot automatically obtain bail and must apply to the court, which will decide whether to grant it based on the circumstances.

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 69

SectionOffensePunishmentCognizable or Non-CognizableBailable or Non-BailableBy What Court Triable
BNS 69Sexual intercourse by employing deceitful meansImprisonment up to 10 years and a fineCognizableNon-BailableCourt of Session
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 69

BNS Section 69 FAQs

What does BNS Section 69 cover?

What is the maximum punishment under BNS Section 69?

Is BNS Section 69 a cognizable offense?

Can the accused get bail under BNS Section 69?

What does “deceitful means” include under this section?

Which court handles cases under BNS Section 69?

Cases are triable by a Court of Session, which deals with serious offenses.

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