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Introduction of Section 99 BNS

Section 99 BNS focuses on crimes related to buying or obtaining children for prostitution or other immoral purposes. It sets severe punishments for those who engage in such activities, emphasizing the protection of children from exploitation.

The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) Section 99 replaces the old Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 373.

What is section 99 of BNS ?

Section 99 deals with individuals who buy, hire, or take possession of a child with the intention of using them for prostitution, illicit activities, or any unlawful and immoral purpose. The punishment for this crime is imprisonment for at least 7 years and can go up to 14 years, along with a fine.

BBNS Section 99 on child exploitation and punishment for using children in prostitution or immoral acts.
BNS Section 99 on child exploitation and its severe legal consequences.

BNS Section 99 in Simple Points

  1. Protection of children: This section is focused on preventing the exploitation of children for prostitution or immoral activities.
  2. Severe punishment: The minimum imprisonment is 7 years, which can extend to 14 years, along with fines.
  3. Intent-based crime: If someone obtains a child with the intent of using them for illegal purposes, they will be punished.
  4. Presumption against brothel keepers: Brothel managers who obtain children under 18 are presumed to have done so for prostitution unless proven otherwise.
  5. Illicit intercourse definition: The term “illicit intercourse” is defined under Section 98 of the BNS.

Section 99 BNS Overview

Section 99 deals with individuals who buy, hire, or take possession of a child with the intention of using them for prostitution, illicit activities, or any unlawful and immoral purpose. The punishment for this crime is imprisonment for at least 7 years and can go up to 14 years, along with a fine.

Section 99 BNS Overview 10 Key Points

  1. Buying or hiring children: Anyone who buys or takes possession of a child with the intent to exploit them is guilty.
  2. Age factor: The law applies to children of any age, but special attention is given to those under 18.
  3. Purpose of the crime: The crime involves using the child for prostitution or any unlawful, immoral activity.
  4. Severe legal consequences: The law mandates a minimum imprisonment of 7 years.
  5. Maximum punishment: The imprisonment can extend up to 14 years, depending on the case.
  6. Additional fine: Besides imprisonment, the convicted individual will also face fines.
  7. Presumption for brothel keepers: Anyone running a brothel is automatically assumed to be exploiting underage girls unless they can prove otherwise.
  8. Broader protection: The law aims to safeguard children from all forms of sexual and immoral exploitation.
  9. Cognizable offense: Police can arrest without a warrant as this is a serious crime.
  10. Non-bailable offense: The accused cannot easily get bail due to the seriousness of the crime.

BNS 99 Punishment

Imprisonment: Minimum of 7 years, which may extend to 14 years.

Fine: The individual convicted will also face a financial penalty.

BNS Section 99 punishment includes 7 to 14 years imprisonment and fines for child exploitation.
BNS Section 99 sets a minimum of 7 years imprisonment and fines for those convicted of child exploitation.

BNS 99 bailable or not ?

Section 99 is a non-bailable offense, meaning the accused cannot automatically get bail and must go through a legal process.

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 99

Law NameBharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) Section 2099
CrimeBuying or obtaining children for prostitution or immoral purposes
Minimum PunishmentImprisonment for 7 years
Maximum PunishmentImprisonment up to 14 years
FineYes, financial penalty applicable
Who is Presumed Guilty?Brothel keepers who obtain possession of girls under 18
Definition ReferenceIllicit intercourse defined under Section 98
Cognizable?Yes, the police can arrest without a warrant
CourtTriable by the Court of Session
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 99

BNS Section 99 FAQs

What does BNS Section 99 focus on?

What is the minimum punishment under BNS Section 99?

Is Section 99 a bailable offense?

No, it is a non-bailable offense.

What is the maximum punishment under Section 99?

Is BNS Section 99 cognizable?

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