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Introduction of BNS 71

BNS 71 deals with the punishment for individuals who have been previously convicted of certain serious offenses and commit another offense under the same sections. The law imposes severe penalties to deter repeat offenders and ensure public safety.

What is section 71 of BNS ?

BNS Section 71 is designed to address repeat offenders who have previously been convicted of serious crimes under specific sections and are convicted again. It imposes life imprisonment, meaning imprisonment for the remainder of the person’s natural life, or the death penalty.

Illustration representing the punishment under BNS Section 71 for repeat offenders.
BNS Section 71: Life imprisonment or death penalty for habitual offenders.

BNS Section 71 in Simple Points

Targets Habitual Criminals: BNS Section 71 is specifically aimed at individuals who repeatedly commit serious crimes, ensuring they face harsher penalties for their continued unlawful behavior.

Severe Penalties: The section mandates life imprisonment or the death penalty for those convicted again under the same serious sections, highlighting the seriousness of repeat offenses.

No Bail: The non-bailable nature of the offense means that once arrested, the accused must stay in custody during the trial, reducing the risk of them committing more crimes while out on bail.

Mandatory Trial by Higher Court: The requirement that the trial be conducted by the Court of Session ensures that the case is handled by experienced judges who can appropriately weigh the gravity of the offense.

No Out-of-Court Settlement: By making the offense non-compoundable, the law ensures that justice is served through the legal process, with no room for private settlements that could undermine the severity of the crime.

Section 71 BNS Overview

BNS Section 71 deals with the punishment for individuals who have been convicted more than once for specific serious crimes. It imposes strict penalties, including life imprisonment or the death penalty, to prevent repeat offenses and to protect society.

BNS Section 71 Key Points

Focus on Repeat Offenders: This section specifically targets individuals who have been previously convicted of serious crimes and then commit another offense under the same sections. It aims to prevent habitual criminal behavior.

Punishment Severity: The section mandates life imprisonment, meaning imprisonment for the remainder of the person’s natural life, or the death penalty. This severe punishment is intended to serve as a strong deterrent against repeated criminal behavior.

Applicable Sections: BNS Section 71 applies to those who have been convicted under sections 64, 65, 66, or 70 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita and are subsequently convicted of another offense under any of these sections.

Cognizable Offense: The crimes under this section are cognizable, meaning that the police can arrest the accused without a warrant, reflecting the seriousness of the offenses covered by this section.

Non-Bailable: Offenses under BNS Section 71 are non-bailable, meaning that the accused does not have the right to be released on bail and must remain in custody during the trial.

Non-Compoundable: The offenses under this section are non-compoundable, which means they cannot be settled outside of court, ensuring that justice is served through the legal process.

Trial by Court of Session: The trial for offenses under this section must be conducted by the Court of Session, which is a higher court, indicating the gravity of the offenses.

Life Imprisonment Explained: Life imprisonment under this section means that the individual will remain in prison for the remainder of their natural life, with no possibility of release.

Death Penalty: The section allows for the death penalty in cases where the repeat offense is particularly egregious, reflecting the ultimate punishment available under the law.

Deterrent Effect: The purpose of this section is to deter individuals from committing repeated offenses by imposing the harshest possible penalties, thereby protecting society from habitual criminals.

Example of BNS Section 71

Imagine a person named Raj has been convicted of a serious crime under BNS Section 64 and served his sentence. After being released, he commits another crime under the same section. Under BNS Section 71, because Raj is a repeat offender, he may be sentenced to life imprisonment or even the death penalty, depending on the severity of his crime. This example illustrates how BNS Section 71 works to prevent habitual offenders from causing further harm.

BNS 71 Punishment

Imprisonment for Life: The person may be sentenced to life imprisonment, meaning they will remain in prison for the rest of their life.

Death Penalty: In the most severe cases, the person may be sentenced to death.

BNS Section 71 addressing repeat offenders with life imprisonment or death penalty.
BNS Section 71 provides strict punishment for those who repeatedly commit serious crimes, including life imprisonment or death.

BNS 71 bailable or not ?

BNS Section 71 is a non-bailable offense, meaning that the accused does not have the right to be released on bail and must remain in custody during the trial.

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 71

SectionOffensePunishmentCognizable or Non-CognizableBailable or Non-BailableBy What Court Triable
71Repeat Offenders (under sections 64, 65, 66, or 70)Imprisonment for life or deathCognizableNon-BailableCourt of Session
Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 71

BNS Section 71 FAQs

What does BNS Section 71 address?

What is the punishment under BNS Section 71?

Is BNS Section 2071 a bailable offense?

Who conducts the trial for offenses under BNS Section 71?

What does “life imprisonment” mean under BNS Section 71?

It means imprisonment for the remainder of the person’s natural life.

What sections does BNS Section 71 apply to?

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