351 BNS

351 BNS criminalizes threats to life, reputation, property, or threats involving anonymous communication.
350 BNS

350 BNS ;Protects consumers by penalizing false marks on goods containers, ensuring honesty in trade.
349 BNS

349 BNS Safeguards consumers by penalizing counterfeit-marked goods, promoting fair trade.
348 BNS

348 BNS :Safeguards authenticity by penalizing instruments for counterfeiting property marks.
347 BNS

347 BNS :Combats counterfeiting of property marks, ensuring trust and protecting ownership rights.
346 BNS

346 BNS :Prohibits tampering with property marks, safeguarding ownership and preventing harm
345 BNS

345 BNS : Safeguards ownership rights by punishing fraudulent use of false property marks.