344 BNS

344 BNS Ensures integrity in financial records by penalizing fraudulent alterations or destruction of accounts.
343 BNS

343 BNS Ensures severe consequences for fraudulent acts involving essential legal documents.
342 BNS

342 BNS deals with forging devices or marks to authenticate documents, ensuring trust in legal systems.
341 BNS

341 BNS : Addresses penalties for counterfeiting seals or tools intended for forging legal documents.
340 BNS

340 BNS : Penalizes the use of forged documents to uphold trust in legal and digital systems.
339 BNS

339 BNS : Penalizes the possession of forged documents or records, ensuring authenticity and public trust.
338 BNS

338 BNS :Ensures strict punishment for forging vital documents like securities, wills, and authority papers, protecting legal integrity.