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109 BNS

109 BNS

109 BNS penalizes attempts to murder with imprisonment.

108 BNS

108 BNS abetting suicide punishment details

108 BNS targets individuals who assist or encourage others to commit suicide, outlining penalties for those involved in abetting such acts.

Section 107 BNS

Section 107 BNS punishment for encouraging suicide in vulnerable individuals

Section 107 BNS addresses abetting suicide for vulnerable individuals, including children and those mentally impaired.

BNS 106

Introduction of Section BNS 106 BNS 106 addresses the punishment for causing death by negligence. It distinguishes between general negligent acts and specific cases involving negligent driving or medical procedures. The section provides different penalties depending on whether the negligence was due to a general act or related to driving or medical practice. What is […]

105 BNS

Section 105 BNS culpable homicide not considered murder, punishment details

105 BNS deals with cases of culpable homicide that do not amount to murder, focusing on situations where death results without the intent to kill.

Section 104 BNS

Section104 BNS punishment for life-convicts committing murder, death penalty or life imprisonment

Section 104 BNS addresses the punishment for individuals already serving a life sentence who commit murder.

BNS 103

BNS 103

BNS 103 specifies that those guilty of murder can be sentenced to death or life imprisonment, and may also face fines.

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