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Introduction of 477 IPC

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a detailed legal framework that outlines various criminal offenses in India. Section 476 addresses the crime of counterfeiting devices or marks that are used to authenticate documents. This section ensures that individuals cannot create fake tools to falsely validate documents, thereby maintaining the integrity of official and legal records.

What is IPC Section 477 ?

IPC 477 deals with the wrongful alteration, destruction, or concealment of important documents like wills, adoption papers, or valuable securities. It aims to stop the harmful tampering or destruction of these documents to safeguard the interests of rightful owners.

IPC 477: Protecting Wills, Adoption Authorities, and Securities from Fraud
Learn about IPC 477 and how it prevents fraudulent tampering with important documents.

IPC Section 477 a Overview

IPC 477 addresses the crime of fraudulently canceling, destroying, mutilating, or concealing any document that is a will, authority to adopt, or any valuable security. It aims to prevent the malicious alteration or destruction of these vital documents to protect the rightful interests of individuals and entities.

6 Key Points on IPC 477

Definition of the Offense: IPC 477 involves canceling, destroying, or hiding important documents like wills, adoption authorities, or valuable securities with fraudulent intent.

Types of Documents Covered: This section includes wills, documents authorizing adoption, and valuable securities such as bonds or shares.

Intent to Defraud: The crime under IPC 477 requires a fraudulent intention, meaning the person must intend to deceive or cheat someone by tampering with these documents.

Protection of Rights: IPC 477 helps protect the legal rights of individuals by ensuring that critical documents are not tampered with or destroyed fraudulently.

Impact on Legal Matters: Altering or destroying these documents can have serious legal consequences, affecting inheritance, adoption, and financial transactions.

Seriousness of the Crime: Tampering with such documents is considered a serious offense due to its potential to cause significant harm and injustice.

IPC 477 Punishment

  1. Imprisonment: Offenders under IPC 477 can face imprisonment for a term extending up to 3 years.
  2. Fine: In addition to imprisonment, the court may impose a monetary fine on the convicted individual.
IPC 477 Punishment: Consequences of Fraudulent Alteration
Learn about the punishment under IPC 477 for fraudulent document alteration.

477 IPC bailable or non bailable ?

IPC 477 is generally a non-bailable offense. This means that individuals accused of violating IPC 477 may not be automatically eligible for bail and may have to petition the court for release pending trial. However, bail provisions can vary based on the specific circumstances of the case and the discretion of the court.

Section 477 IPC in short information

DefinitionInvolves fraudulently canceling, destroying, mutilating, or concealing documents like wills, adoption papers, etc.
OffenceThe act of maliciously altering or destroying important documents to harm rightful interests.
PunishmentImprisonment for up to 3 years and/or a fine.
BailabilityGenerally non-bailable, meaning bail may not be automatically granted, subject to court discretion.
Section 477 IPC in short information

477 IPC FAQs

Is IPC 477 Bailable or Not?

What is Punishment for IPC 477

The punishment for an offense under IPC 477 can include imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years, along with a fine. This reflects the severe nature of the crime and its potential impact on legal and financial matters.

What does IPC 477 cover?

What types of marks are covered under IPC 477?

Is the offense under IPC 477 cognizable or non-cognizable?

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