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Introduction of IPC Section 482

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a comprehensive legal framework that addresses various criminal offenses in India. Section 485 deals with the possession of instruments or materials used for counterfeiting property marks. This section aims to prevent the misuse of tools that can be used to deceive people and harm legitimate businesses.

What is IPC Section 482 ?

IPC 482 criminalizes the use of false property marks on goods or services. Using fake marks can deceive customers about a product’s origin, characteristics, or authenticity. This law aims to protect consumers by ensuring transparency in commercial transactions and preventing fraud.

 Overview of IPC 482 - Criminalizing the use of false property marks
IPC 482 aims to prevent the use of counterfeit marks on goods and services.

IPC Section 482 Overview

IPC 482 criminalizes the use of a false property mark. A property mark is used to identify goods or services, and using a counterfeit or fake mark can mislead consumers about the origin, quality, or authenticity of a product. This section ensures that individuals and businesses cannot exploit such deceptive practices for personal gain.

Key Points About IPC 482

1. Definition of False Property Mark

A false property mark is any mark that is used to misrepresent the true origin, quality, or manufacturer of a product or service.

2. Offense Description

The offense involves applying or using a counterfeit property mark with the intention to deceive or cause harm to consumers or businesses.

3. Purpose of the Law

The primary purpose of IPC 482 is to protect consumers from fraud and ensure that businesses compete fairly by not using deceptive marks.

4. Punishment

The punishment for violating IPC 482 can include imprisonment for up to one year, a fine, or both, depending on the severity of the offense.

5. Bailable or Not

Offenses under IPC 482 are generally considered bailable, meaning that the accused can be released on bail while awaiting trial.

This law provides legal protection to both consumers and legitimate businesses against counterfeit practices that can harm the market’s integrity.

IPC 482 Punishment

  • Punishment: Imprisonment up to 1 year.
  • Fine: As decided by the court.
unishment details for IPC 482 - Imprisonment and fines
The punishment for using false property marks under IPC 482 includes up to 1 year imprisonment, a fine, or both.

482 IPC bailable or not bailable ?

Offenses under IPC 482 are generally bailable. This means that the accused has the right to apply for bail and can be released from custody while awaiting trial, subject to conditions set by the court.

Section 482 IPC in short information

DefinitionUsing a false property mark on goods or services
OffenceMisleading consumers by using counterfeit marks
Punishment– Imprisonment: Up to 1 year (simple or rigorous) <br> – Fine: As decided by the court <br> – Both: Imprisonment and fine may be imposed
BailableYes, the offense is bailable
Section 482 IPC in short information

IPC 482 FAQs

What is IPC 485?

What is IPC 485 Bailable or Not?

What does possession for counterfeiting mean?

What types of property marks are covered under IPC 482?

Can a person be convicted under IPC 482 if they did not intend to cause injury or deceive the public about the ownership of the property?

No, the intention to cause injury or cause the public to believe that the property belongs to a different person from the real owner is a crucial element of the offense under IPC 482. If the accused can prove that they did not have such an intention, they may have a valid defense against the charges.

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