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Introduction of IPC Section 486

Section 486 of the Indian Penal Code deals with fake property marks on products. It makes it illegal to sell or hold items with these fake marks. This law protects buyers from being tricked and helps keep competition fair for businesses.

What is IPC Section 486 ?

IPC 486 criminalizes the act of selling, displaying, or possessing goods with fake property marks. These marks are intended to mislead consumers about the origin, quality, or authenticity of the goods.

Goods with counterfeit property marks illegal under IPC 486.
IPC 486: Protecting consumers and businesses from fake property marks.

IPC Section 486 Overview

IPC 486 specifically deals with the offense of selling goods that bear counterfeit property marks. These marks are crucial for identifying the origin, quality, or manufacturer of goods. Counterfeiting these marks can deceive consumers and harm legitimate businesses.

Key Points About IPC 486

Here are six key points to help you understand IPC 486 better:

1. Definition of the Offense

  • Selling Counterfeit Goods: IPC 486 criminalizes the act of selling, or having in possession for sale, any goods that are marked with a counterfeit property mark. A property mark is a symbol used to identify the origin, quality, or manufacturer of goods.

2. Purpose of the Law

  • Consumer Protection: The main goal of IPC 486 is to protect consumers from being misled by counterfeit goods, ensuring they receive genuine products.
  • Fair Trade: It also aims to protect legitimate businesses from unfair competition posed by counterfeit products.

3. Elements of the Offense

  • Knowledge and Intent: For an individual to be convicted under IPC 486, it must be proven that they knowingly sold or had in possession counterfeit goods with the intent to deceive consumers.

4. Punishment

  • Imprisonment: Offenders can face imprisonment for a term that may extend up to one year.
  • Fine: There can also be a fine imposed on the offender.
  • Both: In some cases, both imprisonment and a fine can be imposed.

5. Bailable or Non-Bailable

  • Bailable Offense: Offenses under IPC 486 are generally considered bailable. This means the accused can obtain bail and be released from custody while awaiting trial.
  • Against Counterfeit Goods: This law provides legal protection to consumers and businesses, ensuring that the market is free from counterfeit goods that can cause harm or financial loss

IPC 486 Punishment

  • Imprisonment: Up to 1 year.
  • Fine: Amount as decided by the court.
Punishments for selling or possessing counterfeit goods under IPC 486.
IPC 486 Punishment: Imprisonment up to 1 year, fine, or both.

486 IPC bailable or non bailable ?

The offense under IPC 486 is a bailable offense, which means that the accused can claim bail as a matter of right, subject to certain conditions imposed by the court.

Section 486 IPC in short information

What is Mean ?Description
DefinitionIPC 486 deals with the crime of selling, displaying for sale, or possessing goods with counterfeit property marks.
OffenceIt is an offense to sell, expose for sale, or have goods that have fake property marks.
PunishmentImprisonment up to 1 year, a fine, or both.
BailableYes, IPC 486 is a bailable offense.
Section 486 IPC in short information.

486 IPC FAQs

What is IPC 486?

IPC 486 criminalizes the act of selling, displaying, or possessing goods with fake property marks. These marks are intended to mislead consumers about the origin, quality, or authenticity of the goods.

IPC 485 Bailable or Non-Bailable ?

What is the punishment under IPC 486?

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