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PC Section 398, highlighting its focus on armed robbery attempts involving deadly weapons and its role in deterring such criminal activities for public safety.

Definition of IPC 398

This section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) 398 deals with situations where someone tries to commit a serious crime: robbery or dacoity (violent robbery by a group of five or more). The key element here is that the person attempts to commit this crime while armed with dangerous weapons.

What is IPC Section 398

IPC Section 398 addresses the attempt to commit robbery or dacoity using deadly weapons like guns or bombs. If caught, offenders could face up to 10 years in jail along with a fine. This law aims to deter armed robberies and violent crimes involving dangerous weapons, keeping people safe by punishing those who attempt to rob others with weapons.

IPC 398 Penalties
Punishment for IPC 398

Section 398 IPC

What is IPC Section 398?

This section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) focuses on a specific type of robbery – one where the robber uses something scary to threaten you and steal your belongings. These scary things are called dangerous weapons, which include:

  • Guns (like pistols or rifles)
  • Bombs (explosives that can cause big explosions)
  • Knives (sharp blades used to hurt people)
  • Swords (long, sharp weapons)
  • Even heavy objects (like crowbars) used to threaten you

Why is it a Serious Crime?

These weapons can cause serious injuries or even kill you. The law considers this threat very serious, even if the robber doesn’t actually hurt anyone.

Planning is a Crime Too!

Just thinking about robbing someone with a weapon and making a plan is also a crime under IPC 398. This includes gathering weapons or discussing a robbery with someone else.

Single Robber or a Group? No Difference!

This law applies no matter how many people are involved. It could be one robber with a gun or a whole gang planning a robbery with knives (dacoity). The number of robbers doesn’t change how serious the crime is.

What Happens if Caught?

If the police catch someone who tried to rob you with a weapon, the punishment can be harsh. They could face:

  • Jail Time: Up to 10 years in jail, which means being locked up for a long time.
  • Fine: The court might also make them pay a certain amount of money as punishment.

Why is the Punishment Harsher?

Trying to rob someone with a weapon is considered much worse than a regular robbery because the weapon makes the experience much scarier and more dangerous for you. Not only could you get hurt, but the threat of violence can be very upsetting.

IPC 398 Punishment

Jail Time and Fine under IPC Section 398

  • Jail Time:
    • If someone is convicted under IPC Section 398 for attempting robbery or dacoity with deadly weapons, they could face rigorous imprisonment for a period of up to 10 years.
    • Rigorous imprisonment means the convicted person will serve their sentence doing hard labor.
  • Fine:
    • In addition to imprisonment, the court may impose a fine on the offender.
    • The amount of the fine is determined by the court based on factors such as the seriousness of the offense, the use of deadly weapons, and other circumstances of the case.
    • The purpose of imposing a fine is to further penalize the offender and deter similar crimes in the future.

398 IPC bailable or not

IPC Section 398 is not bailable. This means that if someone is accused under this law for trying to commit robbery or dacoity with dangerous weapons, they can’t get bail easily. They have to ask the court for bail, and the court decides based on how serious the crime is and if the person might run away or harm others if released. So, people accused under IPC Section 398 may stay in jail until their trial.

IPC 398 FAQs

1.What does IPC Section 398 cover?

IPC Section 398 deals with the attempt to commit robbery or dacoity (group robbery) using dangerous weapons like guns or bombs. It focuses on cases where individuals or groups plan to carry out violent robberies with the intent to use deadly weapons.

2.What is the difference between robbery and dacoity under IPC Section 398?

Is IPC Section 398 a bailable offense?

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