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Section 123 IPC

IPC 123 - Concealing Plans to Wage War

Section 123 IPC, detailing the offense of concealing plans to wage war against the Government of India, its legal implications, and associated punishments.

IPC 122

IPC 122: Collecting Arms for War Against Government

IPC 122 deals with the serious offense of collecting arms with the intention of waging war against the Government of India.

IPC 121

Understanding IPC 121

IPC 121, a serious offense in India that deals with waging war against the government. Understand the definition, punishment, and legal implications

120 IPC

IPC 120 explained

120 IPC deals with the concealment of a design to commit an offense that is not punishable with death or life imprisonment.

IPC 119

IPC 119 explained

IPC 119 is a law that targets public servants who hide information about plans to commit very serious crimes.

IPC 118

IPC 118 explained: Concealment of plans to commit offenses by public servants under Indian law.

IPC 118, which includes imprisonment and fines for public servants who conceal plans for offenses.

117 IPC

IPC 117 explained

117 IPC, which addresses the abetment of offenses by the public, focusing on the illegal encouragement of criminal acts.

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