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Introduction of IPC Section 83

While very young children are exempt from criminal liability, older children may still need some legal protection based on their level of maturity. IPC Section 83 deals with acts committed by children above 7 but below 12 years old.

What is IPC Section 83 ?

IPC 83 states that a child above seven and under twelve years of age who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge the nature and consequences of their conduct on that occasion is not liable for their actions. This provision ensures that only children who are capable of understanding the wrongfulness of their actions can be held responsible.

IPC 83: Actions of children above seven but below twelve years with immature understanding.
IPC 83 addresses acts by children above seven but under twelve years with immature understanding.

IPC 83 Overview

IPC 83 states that nothing is an offense which is done by a child above seven years of age and under twelve, who has not attained sufficient maturity of understanding to judge the nature and consequences of their conduct.

Age-Based Protection: This law provides protection for children between 7 to 12 years old, based on their maturity level.

Lack of Understanding: It covers cases where the child could not fully comprehend the nature and consequences of their act.

No Criminal Intent: If the child lacked sufficient maturity, they are considered incapable of forming any criminal intent or mens rea.

Case-by-Case Assessment: Unlike a blanket exemption, each case is evaluated to determine if the child had attained requisite maturity.

Promotes Rehabilitation: The aim is to avoid criminalization and instead promote the child’s welfare through rehabilitation and reform.

Burden of Proof: The burden is on the court to assess and determine if the child had sufficient maturity based on evidence.

Section 83 of IPC Punishment

Punishment: There is no specific punishment outlined in IPC 83. Instead, it provides criteria for assessing the liability of children.

Fine: Similarly, there is no fine specified in IPC 83. The focus is on understanding the child’s maturity.

83 IPC bailable or not ?

IPC 83 itself does not address bailability directly. However, given the protective nature of this section, children found to lack sufficient maturity are typically not subjected to regular criminal procedures, including bail.

Section 83 IPC in short information

OffenseDefinitionPunishmentBailable or Not
IPC 83Acts done by a child above seven and under twelve without sufficient maturity of understandingNo specific punishmentNot directly applicable
Section 83 IPC in short information

Section 82 & 83 of IPC

Differences Between IPC Sections 82 and 83

AspectSection 82Section 83
OffenceActs of childrenActs of children with insufficient maturity
DefinitionNo child under 7 years liableChild above 7 and under 12 years not liable if lacking maturity
Age RangeBelow 7 yearsAbove 7 and under 12 years
LiabilityAbsolute immunity, no liabilityConditional liability based on maturity
Judicial AssessmentNot requiredRequired to assess child’s maturity
PunishmentNo punishment specifiedNo specific punishment; depends on maturity
Bailable or NotNot applicableNot directly applicable; handled under juvenile justice laws
PurposeProtects very young childrenBalances protection and accountability based on maturity
Legal PrincipleDoli incapax (incapable of crime)Limited doli incapax based on maturity
Section 82 & 83 of IPC


What is IPC 83?

Does IPC 83 provide complete immunity to children?

How does the court determine a child’s maturity under IPC 83?

Are children under IPC 83 subjected to regular criminal procedures?

Why is IPC 83 important?

It ensures that young children are not unfairly punished for actions they cannot fully comprehend, promoting a fair and just approach to juvenile justice.

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