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Introduction of 354 BNS

354 BNS addresses the act of coercion by exploiting religious beliefs or fears of Divine displeasure. It criminalizes actions where one person influences another to perform or omit actions by creating a belief that failure to comply will invoke Divine wrath. This section safeguards individuals from manipulation rooted in religious or spiritual coercion.

The Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) Section 353 replaces the old Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 508.

What is BNS Section 354 ?

Under BNS Section 354, any individual who voluntarily causes or attempts to cause another person to act against their legal rights, or to refrain from a lawful action, by inducing them to believe that such inaction or action will result in Divine displeasure is guilty of an offense. The section aims to prevent undue religious or emotional manipulation.

BNS Section 354 criminalizes coercion that exploits religious beliefs.
Protecting individuals from coercion that manipulates religious beliefs.

BNS 354 in Simple Points

1. Exploitation of Religious Beliefs

BNS Section 354 criminalizes the act of influencing someone by creating fear of Divine displeasure. This means that if a person manipulates another by claiming that a failure to act (or an action) will offend a deity or spiritual force, it becomes punishable. Such coercion often preys on deeply held beliefs, making it important to safeguard individuals from undue religious pressure.

The section aims to protect individuals from being forced to do something they are not legally bound to do or omit actions they are legally entitled to perform. For example, someone might be coerced to sign a document or avoid an activity due to religious threats. This law ensures that such acts of manipulation are addressed to maintain personal freedom.

3. Punishment for Offenders

Anyone found guilty under BNS Section 354 can face imprisonment for up to one year, a fine, or both. The punishment serves as a deterrent for individuals trying to misuse spiritual or religious fears. The severity of the punishment is based on the circumstances of the case and the court’s decision.

4. Classification of the Offense

This offense is non-cognizable, meaning the police cannot arrest the accused without prior approval from a Magistrate. It is also bailable, allowing the accused to seek bail, and non-compoundable, meaning the case cannot be privately settled between the involved parties but requires a legal trial.

5. Examples Illustrating the Offense

The law provides clear examples to explain its scope. For instance, if someone sits in protest at another’s doorstep, claiming this action invokes Divine wrath unless specific demands are met, it qualifies as an offense. Similarly, threatening harm to one’s family while linking it to spiritual repercussions is punishable under this section.

Section 354 BNS Overview

BNS Section 354 deals with the offense of coercing a person by exploiting their fear of Divine displeasure. If someone makes another person believe that their actions—or lack thereof—might lead to Divine anger or punishment, and this compels the individual to act against their will or omit doing something, it is considered a punishable offense under this law.

Key Points of BNS Section 354

1. Protection Against Spiritual Exploitation

BNS Section 354 prohibits the use of religious or spiritual beliefs to force someone into taking certain actions or refraining from lawful activities. This ensures that individuals cannot be manipulated using their faith or fear of Divine punishment, maintaining personal freedom and dignity.

2. Acts Covered Under This Section

The law covers acts where a person is coerced into doing something they are not legally required to do or avoiding something they are entitled to do. For example, pressuring someone to donate money by claiming that refusal would bring Divine anger is punishable under this section.

3. Intent of the Offender

The focus of the law is on the offender’s intent to create fear of Divine displeasure. If a person acts with the objective of forcing another individual to act or omit an action by invoking religious threats, it constitutes an offense. This intent is key to proving the crime in court.

4. Punishment for the Offense

The punishment under BNS Section 354 includes imprisonment for up to one year, a fine, or both. This penalty ensures that such manipulation is discouraged and that individuals engaging in such acts are held accountable.

5. Illustrative Examples

The section includes examples to clarify its application:

  • A sits in protest at another person’s house, claiming it will bring Divine anger unless certain demands are met.
  • A threatens to harm their child, suggesting that the act would render the victim an object of Divine displeasure unless specific conditions are fulfilled.

Both scenarios qualify as offenses under this section.

6. Classification of the Offense

The offense is classified as non-cognizable, meaning the police need prior approval from a Magistrate to arrest the accused. It is also bailable, allowing the accused to secure bail, and non-compoundable, meaning it cannot be privately settled and must go through a legal process.

7. Prevention of Psychological Pressure

The section recognizes that invoking fear of Divine displeasure can create immense psychological pressure on the victim. By criminalizing such acts, it aims to protect individuals from undue stress and manipulation, ensuring they are free to make decisions without coercion.

This section upholds a person’s right to act freely within the bounds of the law. It ensures that no one can be forced to act against their will or refrain from exercising their legal rights through spiritual or religious threats.

9. Applicability Across Contexts

BNS Section 354 applies to various scenarios where religious coercion is used. This includes threats during family disputes, protests, or attempts to extort money or favors by invoking Divine wrath. The broad scope ensures that such manipulation is addressed comprehensively.

10. Role of the Judicial System

Cases under this section are triable by any Magistrate. The judiciary plays a key role in determining whether the offender’s actions were intended to manipulate the victim using spiritual threats. The court evaluates evidence and intent to ensure justice is served.

Examples of BNS Section 354

  1. Example 1: Dharna to Invoke Fear
    A sits at the doorstep of Z and announces that failing to perform a certain act will result in Divine displeasure. This act manipulates Z’s beliefs and compels them to act. A has committed an offense under BNS 354.
  2. Example 2: Threat to Harm for Spiritual Coercion
    A threatens Z, claiming that unless Z performs a specific act, A will harm their child, causing Z to believe that such harm will invoke Divine wrath. This is an offense under BNS 354.

BNS 354 Punishment

Imprisonment: Up to one year.

Fine: Amount determined by the court.

Both: The court may impose both imprisonment and fine.

Punishment under BNS Section 352 includes imprisonment, fines, or both.
Severe penalties for insults that threaten public order, ensuring safety.

BNS 354 bailable or not ?

  • Bailable: The accused can seek bail.
  • Non-Cognizable: Police cannot arrest without prior approval from a Magistrate.
  • Non-Compoundable: The offense cannot be settled between the parties; it requires legal adjudication.
  • Triable by: Any Magistrate.

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita Section 354

BNS SectionOffensePunishmentBailable/Non-BailableCognizable/Non-CognizableTrial By
354Inducing a person to act or omit an act by creating fear of Divine displeasure.Imprisonment up to 1 year, or fine, or both.BailableNon-CognizableAny Magistrate

BNS Section 354 FAQs

1. What does BNS Section 2354 cover?

2. Is BNS Section 2354 a bailable offense?

3. What punishment does BNS 354 impose?

Imprisonment up to one year, a fine, or both.

4. What type of offense is BNS 354?

5. Who tries cases under BNS 354?

6. Can good faith actions be punished under BNS 354?

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