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Dr. Ambedkar Scheme for Social Integration

Image representing the criteria defined by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

The caste system in India is a hierarchical social structure that assigns different castes varying levels of social status and prestige. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar termed it a system of graded inequality that segregates people into separate communities. Endogamy, the practice of marrying within one’s own caste, reinforces this segregation, hindering the realization of constitutional values like liberty, equality, and fraternity. However, inter-caste marriages have the potential to break down barriers and promote a more inclusive society.

Benefits of Court Marriage certificate

Marriage in India goes beyond the emotional connection, involving a structured process of registration. This journey, governed by legal protocols, encapsulates the essence of commitment and recognition. Let’s explore the concise steps of the register marriage process, reflecting the intersection of love and legality in India.

What is Court Marriage ?

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Court marriage, also known as civil marriage or registered marriage, refers to the legal union of two individuals recognized by the law. It provides an alternative to religious ceremonies and allows individuals from different religions, castes, or communities to solemnize their marriage in a legally recognized manner.

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