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Introduction of IPC Section 485

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a detailed legal framework that outlines different criminal offenses in India. Section 485 specifically addresses the crime of making or possessing tools for counterfeiting property marks. This law aims to prevent the creation and use of fake property marks, which can mislead consumers and damage legitimate businesses.

What is IPC Section 485 ?

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is a set of laws that define criminal offenses in India. Section 485 deals with making or having tools to create fake property marks. This law aims to stop the use of counterfeit marks that can mislead consumers and hurt honest businesses.

: Understanding IPC 485.
PC 485: Preventing counterfeit property marks to protect consumers and businesses.

IPC Section 485 Overview

IPC 485 makes it illegal to create or possess tools for making fake property marks. These marks identify a product’s source, quality, or manufacturer. Counterfeiting them involves making or using fake marks to deceive consumers about the product’s authenticity.

Key Points About IPC 485

  1. Definition of Making or Possessing Counterfeiting Instruments
    • Making or possessing instruments for counterfeiting property marks means having tools or devices intended to create fake marks that falsely represent the true origin, quality, or manufacturer of a product.
  2. Offense Description
    • The offense involves either making or possessing instruments with the intention to use them for counterfeiting property marks, which can deceive consumers or cause harm to businesses.
  3. Purpose of the Law
    • The primary purpose of IPC 485 is to protect consumers from fraud and to ensure fair competition among businesses by preventing the use of counterfeit marks.
  4. Punishment
    • The punishment for violating IPC 485 includes imprisonment which can extend up to three years, a fine, or both, depending on the severity of the offense.
  5. Bailable or Not
    • Offenses under IPC 485 are generally considered non-bailable, meaning that the accused may not have the automatic right to bail and may have to apply for it under specific conditions.
  6. Legal Protection
    • This law provides legal protection to both consumers and legitimate businesses against counterfeit practices that can harm the integrity of the market.

485 IPC Punishment

  • Imprisonment: Up to three years
  • Fine: An additional monetary penalty
Punishment under IPC 485 includes up to 3 years imprisonment, a fine, or both for counterfeiting property marks.
IPC 485 Punishment: Up to 3 years imprisonment, fine, or both for counterfeiting property marks.

485 IPC bailable or not bailable ?

IPC 485 is generally considered a bailable offense. This means that an accused person can be released on bail, subject to certain conditions imposed by the court.

Section 485 IPC in short information

DefinitionIPC 485 deals with making or possessing any instrument for counterfeiting a property mark.
OffenseCreating or having tools to make fake property marks to deceive consumers.
PunishmentImprisonment up to 3 years, fine, or both.
BailableBailable offense, meaning the accused can get bail.
Section 485 IPC in short information

485 IPC FAQs

What is IPC 485?

IPC 485 criminalizes the act of making or possessing tools for counterfeiting property marks. Property marks are used to identify the origin, quality, or authenticity of goods. Creating or having instruments to make fake marks can mislead consumers and damage the reputation of legitimate businesses.

IPC 485 Bailable or Not

Why is IPC 485 important?

What constitutes an offense under IPC 485?

What types of equipment are covered under IPC 485?

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