323 BNS

323 BNS : targets property-related fraud, ensuring honesty in claims, removal, and concealment actions.
322 BNS

322 BNS punishes fraudulent property dealings with imprisonment, fines, or both.
BNS 321

321 BNS : Addresses fraudulent acts of preventing debts or demands from being used to settle creditors’ claims.
320 BNS

320 BNS :Punishes individuals who fraudulently hide or remove property to avoid settling debts with creditors.
319 BNS

319 BNS punishes cheating by personation, covering identity misrepresentation or impersonation, with imprisonment, fine, or both.
318 BNS

318 BNS punishes cheating that involves dishonestly deceiving someone for property, money, or unfair advantage, with varying court outcomes.
317 BNS

317 BNS punishes individuals and entities involved in receiving, retaining, or assisting in the disposal of stolen property, ensuring accountability for such actions.